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The 3 Secrets of Natural Self-Promoters - XINNIX

Written by XINNIX | Jul 3, 2018 4:00:00 AM

With today’s focus on new and emerging technology, it can be easy for loan officers to rely solely on automated solutions to gain new business instead of utilizing all approaches to reach potential customers and referral sources. 

While keeping up with tech revolution is vital for staying relevant in the industry, the timeless, fundamental practices of a natural self-promoter are irreplaceable. Top-notch self-promoters are those who effectively and consistently stand out from the competition. They relentlessly seek the attention of their leads and make known their clear and unique value proposition — often in a creative and memorable way.

However, loan officer marketing is not about making a racket. Natural self-promoters know how to make the right kind of noise through a solid strategy. Below, we’ll take a look at four key considerations for self-promotion so you can get your name “out there” where it belongs. Here are the four secrets of natural self-promoters:

1. Self-Promoters Position Themselves in Front of Their Key Targets

Before you can position yourself in front of your key targets, you need to know who those people are. Try asking yourself, “What does my ideal client look like?” You can also conduct surveys, look at the credentials of your past clients, create buyer personas and more to get an idea of who you should be marketing to.

Next, it’s time to take charge and strategize. For example, you’ll want to look at:

  • Pain points of your key targets
  • Your current reputation
  • Past clients’ feedback

For example, if you want to get your name out to your community, your loan officer marketing approach could be subtle, like wearing your work ID tag everywhere you go. For those who prefer verbal communication, you could try changing your personal voicemail message to include your job title and work cell phone number. 

Remember, the more little adjustments you make to how others perceive you, the easier it will be for them to remember your name during mortgage-related conversations. Although often overlooked, friends and family within your community (and beyond!) are a great referral resource — as long as they think “mortgage” when they see you.

2. Self-Promoters Use Repetition and Persistence

When you are ready to position yourself in front of your chosen audience, do it with gusto. Gaining the attention of your audience can only happen with consistent, helpful personalization. Make an impact on referral partners by being your best self and sharing your knowledge tailored to the needs of potential clients — time and time again.

3. Self-Promoters Leverage Social Media

As we’ve mentioned, the tech revolution is a big deal, and there are ways you can utilize innovative ways to get noticed. According to Statista, a whopping 91.9% of U.S. marketers for companies with over 100 employees were expected by their employers to utilize social media in their marketing efforts. Why? Because social media gives a business the opportunity to broaden its reach. This technique can also be used for self-promotion. However, you can’t just pick any social media platform and talk about yourself. 

Go where your audience is. If you are targeting other businesses, you could look to LinkedIn for building out your reputation. However, you may have better luck with Instagram if your audience consists of millennials looking to buy their first home.

No matter where loan officers like you choose to promote yourself, make sure you do it with your audience in mind by providing free advice and help in the form of comments, blogs, explainer videos and more.

Create a Memorable Style

Let your actions be your promotion, but do it with a personalized flare. You can try incorporating:

  • Your favorite colors.
  • Personal catchphrases or mantras.
  • Hobbies.
  • Your unique value proposition.

If you pride yourself on answering emails within 24 hours, let others know! Little hints about what a client can get from working with you — your value proposition — can go a long way toward turning strangers into valued clients.

Consistently Reach Out Across Communication Channels 

When reaching out to a prospect for the first time, remember that it’s about establishing trust. Just like you may think twice about trying a restaurant if they don’t have customer reviews, it can be difficult for a prospect to believe your assertions if you haven’t first established a relationship with them. 

Sending a personalized letter or email is better than cold calling because it gives your prospect the opportunity to see that you are willing to go above and beyond just to introduce yourself.

Be accessible through multiple touchpoints such as email, direct messaging on your website, in-person chats and video calls to allow your lead the chance to pick what line of communication works best for them.

A Great Loan Officer Marketing Strategy Includes Continuous Education

Becoming a powerful self-promoter doesn’t happen overnight. It takes persistence and the willingness to put ourselves out there by constantly learning and adapting to the industry. 

Ready to up your self-promo game? 

Download your free copy of the Self-Promoter e-book to get growing.