Consistency is THE Thing – The One Thing Series

By XINNIX | July 19, 2019 |

Welcome back for our second installment of The One Thing series. I hope you found last week’s post to be helpful and that you’re already working on finding your One Thing! Over the next three weeks, you’ll hear from real mortgage professionals who can clearly identify the “One Thing” that has made a difference in their success.

As I mentioned last week, we recently had the opportunity to speak with three former and current XINNIX students that have been able to keep their business thriving even in a down market. With over 400 years of combined experience in the mortgage industry, the XINNIX team can appreciate how impressive of a feat it is to stay successful and keep production up when business cycles are down. We asked each of these XINNIX alumni to tell us the one thing that has had the greatest impact on their business.

Salena Whiddon, Loan Originator at NRL Mortgage

For Salena Whiddon, Loan Originator at NRL Mortgage, consistency is the one thing she hangs her hat on in business. “I make sure every single day that I’m doing the exact same thing,” Whiddon stated. “My referral sources know that they’re going to hear from me at a certain time.  And unless there’s an emergency, it never fails that I’m going to call them. I live by it every day. I do the exact same thing, and it seems to be working.” Salena prides herself on consistently and proactively reaching out to her referral sources so that they will know what to expect from her which builds the foundation of trust that makes these relationships so successful.

At XINNIX, we believe that consistency is what transforms average into excellence, and through excellence, there are infinite possibilities. If you have completed any of our Performance Programs, you already know how much value we place on consistency and how important it is to your success in this industry. In our EDGE™ Program, we teach that there are six skills that any successful loan officer must master. One of these skills is consistent discipline. Jack “Bullseye” Kauffman, one of our Senior Performance Specialists, explains consistent disciplines this way. “Consistent discipline is knowing exactly what you’re going to be executing each day, each week, and each month.”

When you start your day each morning, you should already know what tasks you need to accomplish to move the needle of your business. Otherwise, you’ll spend the morning spinning your wheels to come up with a plan.  Before you know it, it’s 5:00, and you feel as if you’ve gotten nothing done all day. Perhaps, like Salena, consistency is your One Thing. Or maybe it’s a skill you can stand to improve upon. If you identify with the latter group, you’re not alone! We’ve found that having consistent discipline is one of the three most common gaps loan officers experience. If this is something you seek to improve, consider how The XINNIX System™ could help.  Our Performance Training Programs for experienced loan officers, such as EDGE™ or IGNITE™, will be most helpful in providing skills and strategies to keep you on task and at the top of your game.

Stay tuned for our next installment as we discover what another XINNIX alumna, Jamie Hart, considers to be the One Thing that has kept her at the top of her game even when the market bottomed out from under her. In the meantime, comment below and let us know what’s your One Thing. We would love to hear about the success you’ve seen by implementing this or a similar daily discipline in your business!